Power of Love
<bgsound src="poweroflove2.mid" loop="2">
You Are My Special Angel
<bgsound src="youaremyspecialangel.mid" loop="2">
Wind Beneath My Wings
<bgsound src="wind_beneath_my_wings.mid" loop="2">
You are so loved by so many. We all thank God every night for you!

    These 3 songs were chosen especially for you Grannywho!
  • "The Power of Love" to show you just what the power of love can do!
  • "You Are My Special Angel" was chosen because you are a Very Special Angel to all of us on Pogo in the "Ali Baba Slots" (Good Fortune Room).
  • "The Wind Beneath My Wings" was chosen for you, because your strength and love is so amazing. YOU Grannywho... "ARE" the wind beneath OUR WINGS!
We love you very much! Mspunky, Skhuntington, BUDlite, and the rest of the gang in our room.
Our Angel Grannywho
Who is Grannywho...? Her real name is Rosemary...
She's a mother, a grandmother and a dear friend. Recently, though, her husband Carl went home to be with the Lord. She's having a very hard time financially so, I thought we could all pull together as her friends to help her out financially or even spiritually in whatever way God leads us.

If God Has Touched Your Heart and You Would Like To Help Grannywho by Sending A Love Gift or a Card, Please Email Me For Details At:
Thank You and May God Richly Bless You!... Spunky
** Note: We will update the site daily as gifts are received.
You can click HERE to see the details.